Cryptographic Token Interface Standard




CK_SSL3_RANDOM_DATA is a structure which provides information about the random data of a client and a server in an SSL context. More...

Data Fields

CK_BYTE_PTR pClientRandom
 pointer to the client's random data. More...

CK_ULONG ulClientRandomLen
 length in bytes of the client's random data. More...

CK_BYTE_PTR pServerRandom
 pointer to the server's random data. More...

CK_ULONG ulServerRandomLen
 length in bytes of the server's random data. More...

Detailed Description


CK_SSL3_RANDOM_DATA is a structure which provides information about the random data of a client and a server in an SSL context. This structure is used by both the CKM_SSL3_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE and the CKM_SSL3_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE mechanisms.
pClientRandom pointer to the client's random data
ulClientRandomLen length in bytes of the client's random data
pServerRandom pointer to the server's random data
ulServerRandomLen length in bytes of the server's random data


CK_SSL3_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_PARAMS is a structure that provides the parameters to the CKM_SSL3_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE mechanism. It is defined as follows:

Field Documentation

CK_BYTE_PTR pClientRandom

pointer to the client's random data.

CK_ULONG ulClientRandomLen

length in bytes of the client's random data.

CK_BYTE_PTR pServerRandom

pointer to the server's random data.

CK_ULONG ulServerRandomLen

length in bytes of the server's random data.

RSA Security Inc. Public-Key Cryptography Standards - PKCS#11 - v211