Cryptographic Token Interface Standard


CK_SLOT_INFO Reference


CK_SLOT_INFO provides information about a slot. More...

Data Fields

CK_UTF8CHAR slotDescription [64]
 character-string description of the slot. More...

CK_UTF8CHAR manufacturerID [32]
 ID of the slot manufacturer. More...

CK_FLAGS flags
 bits flags that provide capabilities of the slot. More...

CK_VERSION hardwareVersion
 version number of the slot's hardware. More...

CK_VERSION firmwareVersion
 version number of the slot's firmware. More...

Detailed Description


CK_SLOT_INFO provides information about a slot. It is defined as follows:
slotDescription character-string description of the slot. Must be padded with the blank character (' '). Should ''not'' be null-terminated.
manufacturerID ID of the slot manufacturer. Must be padded with the blank character (' '). Should ''not'' be null-terminated.
flags bits flags that provide capabilities of the slot. The flags are defined below
hardwareVersion version number of the slot's hardware
firmwareVersion version number of the slot's firmware

The following table defines the flags field:

Table 10, Slot Information Flags
Bit Flag Mask Meaning
CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT 0x00000001 TRUE if a token is present in the slot (e.g., a device is in the reader)
CKF_REMOVABLE_DEVICE 0x00000002 TRUE if the reader supports removable devices
CKF_HW_SLOT 0x00000004 TRUE if the slot is a hardware slot, as opposed to a software slot implementing a "soft token"

For a given slot, the value of the CKF_REMOVABLE_DEVICE flag never changes. In addition, if this flag is not set for a given slot, then the CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT flag for that slot is always set. That is, if a slot does not support a removable device, then that slot always has a token in it.

CK_SLOT_INFO_PTR is a pointer to a CK_SLOT_INFO.


CK_TOKEN_INFO provides information about a token. It is defined as follows:

Field Documentation

CK_UTF8CHAR slotDescription[64]

character-string description of the slot. Must be padded with the blank character (' '). Should ''not'' be null-terminated.

CK_UTF8CHAR manufacturerID[32]

ID of the slot manufacturer. Must be padded with the blank character (' '). Should ''not'' be null-terminated.

CK_FLAGS flags

bits flags that provide capabilities of the slot. The flags are defined below

CK_VERSION hardwareVersion

version number of the slot's hardware.

CK_VERSION firmwareVersion

version number of the slot's firmware.

RSA Security Inc. Public-Key Cryptography Standards - PKCS#11 - v211