Cryptographic Token Interface Standard




CK_SKIPJACK_RELAYX_PARAMS is a structure that provides the parameters to the CKM_SKIPJACK_RELAYX mechanism. More...

Data Fields

CK_ULONG ulOldWrappedXLen
 length of old wrapped key in bytes. More...

CK_BYTE_PTR pOldWrappedX
 pointer to old wrapper key. More...

CK_ULONG ulOldPasswordLen
 length of the old password. More...

CK_BYTE_PTR pOldPassword
 pointer to the buffer which contains the old user-supplied password. More...

CK_ULONG ulOldPublicDataLen
 old key exchange public key size. More...

CK_BYTE_PTR pOldPublicData
 pointer to old key exchange public key value. More...

CK_ULONG ulOldRandomLen
 size of old random Ra in bytes. More...

 pointer to old Ra data. More...

CK_ULONG ulNewPasswordLen
 length of the new password. More...

CK_BYTE_PTR pNewPassword
 pointer to the buffer which contains the new user-supplied password. More...

CK_ULONG ulNewPublicDataLen
 new key exchange public key size. More...

CK_BYTE_PTR pNewPublicData
 pointer to new key exchange public key value. More...

CK_ULONG ulNewRandomLen
 size of new random Ra in bytes. More...

 pointer to new Ra data. More...

Detailed Description


CK_SKIPJACK_RELAYX_PARAMS is a structure that provides the parameters to the CKM_SKIPJACK_RELAYX mechanism. It is defined as follows:
ulOldWrappedXLen length of old wrapped key in bytes
pOldWrappedX pointer to old wrapper key
ulOldPasswordLen length of the old password
pOldPassword pointer to the buffer which contains the old user-supplied password
ulOldPublicDataLen old key exchange public key size
pOldPublicData pointer to old key exchange public key value
ulOldRandomLen size of old random Ra in bytes
pOldRandomA pointer to old Ra data
ulNewPasswordLen length of the new password
pNewPassword pointer to the buffer which contains the new user-supplied password
ulNewPublicDataLen new key exchange public key size
pNewPublicData pointer to new key exchange public key value
ulNewRandomLen size of new random Ra in bytes
pNewRandomA pointer to new Ra data


Field Documentation

CK_ULONG ulOldWrappedXLen

length of old wrapped key in bytes.

CK_BYTE_PTR pOldWrappedX

pointer to old wrapper key.

CK_ULONG ulOldPasswordLen

length of the old password.

CK_BYTE_PTR pOldPassword

pointer to the buffer which contains the old user-supplied password.

CK_ULONG ulOldPublicDataLen

old key exchange public key size.

CK_BYTE_PTR pOldPublicData

pointer to old key exchange public key value.

CK_ULONG ulOldRandomLen

size of old random Ra in bytes.


pointer to old Ra data.

CK_ULONG ulNewPasswordLen

length of the new password.

CK_BYTE_PTR pNewPassword

pointer to the buffer which contains the new user-supplied password.

CK_ULONG ulNewPublicDataLen

new key exchange public key size.

CK_BYTE_PTR pNewPublicData

pointer to new key exchange public key value.

CK_ULONG ulNewRandomLen

size of new random Ra in bytes.


pointer to new Ra data.

RSA Security Inc. Public-Key Cryptography Standards - PKCS#11 - v211