Cryptographic Token Interface Standard


Secret key objects


Generic secret key objects
RC2 secret key objects
RC4 secret key objects
RC5 secret key objects
AES secret key objects
DES secret key objects
DES2 secret key objects
DES3 secret key objects
CAST secret key objects
CAST3 secret key objects
CAST128 (CAST5) secret key objects
IDEA secret key objects
CDMF secret key objects
SKIPJACK secret key objects
BATON secret key objects
JUNIPER secret key objects

Detailed Description

Secret key objects (object class CKO_SECRET_KEY) hold secret keys. This version of Cryptoki recognizes the following types of secret key: generic, RC2, RC4, RC5, DES, DES2, DES3, CAST, CAST3, CAST128 (also known as CAST5), IDEA, CDMF, SKIPJACK, BATON, JUNIPER, and AES. The following table defines the attributes common to all secret keys, in addition to the common attributes listed in Table 15 , Table 19 and Table 25 :

Table 42, Common Secret Key Attributes
Attribute Data type Meaning
CKA_SENSITIVE8 (see below) CK_BBOOL TRUE if object is sensitive (default FALSE)
CKA_ENCRYPT8 CK_BBOOL TRUE if key supports encryption9
CKA_DECRYPT8 CK_BBOOL TRUE if key supports decryption9
CKA_SIGN8 CK_BBOOL TRUE if key supports signatures (i.e., authentication codes) where the signature is an appendix to the data9
CKA_VERIFY8 CK_BBOOL TRUE if key supports verification (i.e., of authentication codes) where the signature is an appendix to the data9
CKA_WRAP8 CK_BBOOL TRUE if key supports wrapping (i.e., can be used to wrap other keys)9
CKA_UNWRAP8 CK_BBOOL TRUE if key supports unwrapping (i.e., can be used to unwrap other keys)9
CKA_EXTRACTABLE8 (see below) CK_BBOOL TRUE if key is extractable9
CKA_ALWAYS_SENSITIVE2,4,6 CK_BBOOL TRUE if key has always had the CKA_SENSITIVE attribute set to TRUE
CKA_NEVER_EXTRACTABLE2,4,6 CK_BBOOL TRUE if key has never had the CKA_EXTRACTABLE attribute set to TRUE

After an object is created, the CKA_SENSITIVE attribute may be changed, but only to the value TRUE. Similarly, after an object is created, the CKA_EXTRACTABLE attribute may be changed, but only to the value FALSE. Attempts to make other changes to the values of these attributes should return the error code CKR_ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY.

If the CKA_SENSITIVE attribute is TRUE, or if the CKA_EXTRACTABLE attribute is FALSE, then certain attributes of the secret key cannot be revealed in plaintext outside the token. Which attributes these are is specified for each type of secret key in the attribute table in the section describing that type of key.

If the CKA_EXTRACTABLE attribute is FALSE, then the key cannot be wrapped.

RSA Security Inc. Public-Key Cryptography Standards - PKCS#11 - v211