![]() | Cryptographic Token Interface Standard |
PKCS#11 |
A typical application might perform the following series of steps to make use of a token (note that there are other reasonable sequences of events that an application might perform):
Cryptoki provides the following functions for session management:
CK_RV C_OpenSession( CK_SLOT_ID slotID, CK_FLAGS flags, CK_VOID_PTR pApplication, CK_NOTIFY Notify, CK_SESSION_HANDLE_PTR phSession);
C_OpenSession opens a session between an application and a token in a particular slot.
slotID | is the slot's ID; |
flags | indicates the type of session; |
pApplication | is an application-defined pointer to be passed to the notification callback; Notify is the address of the notification callback function (see Section 11.17); phSession points to the location that receives the handle for the new session. |
There may be a limit on the number of concurrent sessions an application may have with the token, which may depend on whether the session is "read-only" or "read/write". An attempt to open a session which does not succeed because there are too many existing sessions of some type should return CKR_SESSION_COUNT.
If the token is write-protected (as indicated in the CK_TOKEN_INFO structure), then only read-only sessions may be opened with it.
If the application calling C_OpenSession already has a R/W SO session open with the token, then any attempt to open a R/O session with the token fails with error code CKR_SESSION_READ_WRITE_SO_EXISTS (see Section 6.6.7).
The Notify callback function is used by Cryptoki to notify the application of certain events. If the application does not wish to support callbacks, it should pass a value of NULL_PTR as the Notify parameter. See Section 11.17 for more information about application callbacks.
CK_RV C_CloseSession( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession);
C_CloseSession closes a session between an application and a token.
hSession | is the session's handle. |
If this function is successful and it closes the last session between the application and the token, the login state of the token for the application returns to public sessions. Any new sessions to the token opened by the application will be either R/O Public or R/W Public sessions.
Depending on the token, when the last open session any application has with the token is closed, the token may be "ejected" from its reader (if this capability exists).
Despite the fact this C_CloseSession is supposed to close a session, the return value CKR_SESSION_CLOSED is an error return. It actually indicates the (probably somewhat unlikely) event that while this function call was executing, another call was made to C_CloseSession to close this particular session, and that call finished executing first. Such uses of sessions are a bad idea, and Cryptoki makes little promise of what will occur in general if an application indulges in this sort of behavior.
CK_SLOT_ID slotID; CK_BYTE application; CK_NOTIFY MyNotify; CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession; CK_RV rv; . . . application = 17; MyNotify = &EncryptionSessionCallback; rv = C_OpenSession( slotID, CKF_RW_SESSION,(CK_VOID_PTR) &application, MyNotify, &hSession); if (rv == CKR_OK) { . . . C_CloseSession(hSession); }
CK_RV C_CloseAllSessions( CK_SLOT_ID slotID);
C_CloseAllSessions closes all sessions an application has with a token.
slotID | specifies the token's slot. |
After successful execution of this function, the login state of the token for the application returns to public sessions. Any new sessions to the token opened by the application will be either R/O Public or R/W Public sessions.
Depending on the token, when the last open session any application has with the token is closed, the token may be "ejected" from its reader (if this capability exists).
CK_SLOT_ID slotID; CK_RV rv; . . . rv = C_CloseAllSessions(slotID);
C_GetSessionInfo obtains information about a session.
hSession | is the session's handle; |
pInfo | points to the location that receives the session information. |
CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession; CK_SESSION_INFO info; CK_RV rv; . . . rv = C_GetSessionInfo(hSession, &info); if (rv == CKR_OK) { if (info.state == CKS_RW_USER_FUNCTIONS) { . . . } . . . }
CK_RV C_GetOperationState( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState, CK_ULONG_PTR pulOperationStateLen);
C_GetOperationState obtains a copy of the cryptographic operations state of a session, encoded as a string of bytes.
hSession | is the session's handle; |
pOperationState | points to the location that receives the state; |
pulOperationStateLen | points to the location that receives the length in bytes of the state. |
Precisely what the "cryptographic operations state" this function saves is varies from token to token; however, this state is what is provided as input to C_SetOperationState to restore the cryptographic activities of a session.
Consider a session which is performing a message digest operation using SHA-1 (i.e., the session is using the CKM_SHA_1 mechanism). Suppose that the message digest operation was initialized properly, and that precisely 80 bytes of data have been supplied so far as input to SHA-1. The application now wants to "save the state" of this digest operation, so that it can continue it later. In this particular case, since SHA-1 processes 512 bits (64 bytes) of input at a time, the cryptographic operations state of the session most likely consists of three distinct parts: the state of SHA-1's 160-bit internal chaining variable; the 16 bytes of unprocessed input data; and some administrative data indicating that this saved state comes from a session which was performing SHA-1 hashing. Taken together, these three pieces of information suffice to continue the current hashing operation at a later time.
Consider next a session which is performing an encryption operation with DES (a block cipher with a block size of 64 bits) in CBC (cipher-block chaining) mode (i.e., the session is using the CKM_DES_CBC mechanism). Suppose that precisely 22 bytes of data (in addition to an IV for the CBC mode) have been supplied so far as input to DES, which means that the first two 8-byte blocks of ciphertext have already been produced and output. In this case, the cryptographic operations state of the session most likely consists of three or four distinct parts: the second 8-byte block of ciphertext (this will be used for cipher-block chaining to produce the next block of ciphertext); the 6 bytes of data still awaiting encryption; some administrative data indicating that this saved state comes from a session which was performing DES encryption in CBC mode; and possibly the DES key being used for encryption (see C_SetOperationState for more information on whether or not the key is present in the saved state).
If a session is performing two cryptographic operations simultaneously (see Section 11.13), then the cryptographic operations state of the session will contain all the necessary information to restore both operations.
An attempt to save the cryptographic operations state of a session which does not currently have some active saveable cryptographic operation(s) (encryption, decryption, digesting, signing without message recovery, verification without message recovery, or some legal combination of two of these) should fail with the error CKR_OPERATION_NOT_INITIALIZED.
An attempt to save the cryptographic operations state of a session which is performing an appropriate cryptographic operation (or two), but which cannot be satisfied for any of various reasons (certain necessary state information and/or key information can't leave the token, for example) should fail with the error CKR_STATE_UNSAVEABLE.
CK_RV C_SetOperationState( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState, CK_ULONG ulOperationStateLen, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hEncryptionKey, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hAuthenticationKey);
C_SetOperationState restores the cryptographic operations state of a session from a string of bytes obtained with C_GetOperationState.
hSession | is the session's handle; |
pOperationState | points to the location holding the saved state; |
ulOperationStateLen | holds the length of the saved state; |
hEncryptionKey | holds a handle to the key which will be used for an ongoing encryption or decryption operation in the restored session (or 0 if no encryption or decryption key is needed, either because no such operation is ongoing in the stored session or because all the necessary key information is present in the saved state); |
hAuthenticationKey | holds a handle to the key which will be used for an ongoing signature, MACing, or verification operation in the restored session (or 0 if no such key is needed, either because no such operation is ongoing in the stored session or because all the necessary key information is present in the saved state). |
If C_SetOperationState is supplied with alleged saved cryptographic operations state which it can determine is not valid saved state (or is cryptographic operations state from a session with a different session state, or is cryptographic operations state from a different token), it fails with the error CKR_SAVED_STATE_INVALID.
Saved state obtained from calls to C_GetOperationState may or may not contain information about keys in use for ongoing cryptographic operations. If a saved cryptographic operations state has an ongoing encryption or decryption operation, and the key in use for the operation is not saved in the state, then it must be supplied to C_SetOperationState in the hEncryptionKey argument. If it is not, then C_SetOperationState will fail and return the error CKR_KEY_NEEDED. If the key in use for the operation is saved in the state, then it can be supplied in the hEncryptionKey argument, but this is not required.
Similarly, if a saved cryptographic operations state has an ongoing signature, MACing, or verification operation, and the key in use for the operation is not saved in the state, then it must be supplied to C_SetOperationState in the hAuthenticationKey argument. If it is not, then C_SetOperationState will fail with the error CKR_KEY_NEEDED. If the key in use for the operation is saved in the state, then it can be supplied in the hAuthenticationKey argument, but this is not required.
If an irrelevant key is supplied to C_SetOperationState call (e.g., a nonzero key handle is submitted in the hEncryptionKey argument, but the saved cryptographic operations state supplied does not have an ongoing encryption or decryption operation, then C_SetOperationState fails with the error CKR_KEY_NOT_NEEDED.
If a key is supplied as an argument to C_SetOperationState, and C_SetOperationState can somehow detect that this key was not the key being used in the source session for the supplied cryptographic operations state (it may be able to detect this if the key or a hash of the key is present in the saved state, for example), then C_SetOperationState fails with the error CKR_KEY_CHANGED.
An application can look at the CKF_RESTORE_KEY_NOT_NEEDED flag in the flags field of the CK_TOKEN_INFO field for a token to determine whether or not it needs to supply key handles to C_SetOperationState calls. If this flag is TRUE, then a call to C_SetOperationState never needs a key handle to be supplied to it. If this flag is FALSE, then at least some of the time, C_SetOperationState requires a key handle, and so the application should probably always pass in any relevant key handles when restoring cryptographic operations state to a session.
C_SetOperationState can successfully restore cryptographic operations state to a session even if that session has active cryptographic or object search operations when C_SetOperationState is called (the ongoing operations are abruptly cancelled).
CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession; CK_MECHANISM digestMechanism; CK_ULONG ulStateLen; CK_BYTE data1[] = {0x01, 0x03, 0x05, 0x07}; CK_BYTE data2[] = {0x02, 0x04, 0x08}; CK_BYTE data3[] = {0x10, 0x0F, 0x0E, 0x0D, 0x0C}; CK_BYTE pDigest[20]; CK_ULONG ulDigestLen; CK_RV rv; . . . /* Initialize hash operation */ rv = C_DigestInit(hSession, &digestMechanism); assert(rv == CKR_OK); /* Start hashing */ rv = C_DigestUpdate(hSession, data1, sizeof(data1)); assert(rv == CKR_OK); /* Find out how big the state might be */ rv = C_GetOperationState(hSession, NULL_PTR, &ulStateLen); assert(rv == CKR_OK); /* Allocate some memory and then get the state */ pState = (CK_BYTE_PTR) malloc(ulStateLen); rv = C_GetOperationState(hSession, pState, &ulStateLen); /* Continue hashing */ rv = C_DigestUpdate(hSession, data2, sizeof(data2)); assert(rv == CKR_OK); /* Restore state. No key handles needed */ rv = C_SetOperationState(hSession, pState, ulStateLen, 0, 0); assert(rv == CKR_OK); /* Continue hashing from where we saved state */ rv = C_DigestUpdate(hSession, data3, sizeof(data3)); assert(rv == CKR_OK); /* Conclude hashing operation */ ulDigestLen = sizeof(pDigest); rv = C_DigestFinal(hSession, pDigest, &ulDigestLen); if (rv == CKR_OK) { /* pDigest[] now contains the hash of 0x01030507100F0E0D0C */ . . . }
C_Login logs a user into a token.
hSession | is a session handle; |
userType | is the user type; |
pPin | points to the user's PIN; ulPinLen is the length of the PIN. |
If the token has a "protected authentication path", as indicated by the CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH flag in its CK_TOKEN_INFO being set, then that means that there is some way for a user to be authenticated to the token without having the application send a PIN through the Cryptoki library. One such possibility is that the user enters a PIN on a PINpad on the token itself, or on the slot device. Or the user might not even use a PIN"authentication could be achieved by some fingerprint-reading device, for example. To log into a token with a protected authentication path, the pPin parameter to C_Login should be NULL_PTR. When C_Login returns, whatever authentication method supported by the token will have been performed; a return value of CKR_OK means that the user was successfully authenticated, and a return value of CKR_PIN_INCORRECT means that the user was denied access.
If there are any active cryptographic or object finding operations in an application's session, and then C_Login is successfully executed by that application, it may or may not be the case that those operations are still active. Therefore, before logging in, any active operations should be finished.
If the application calling C_Login has a R/O session open with the token, then it will be unable to log the SO into a session (see Section 6.6.7). An attempt to do this will result in the error code CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY_EXISTS.
CK_RV C_Logout( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession);
C_Logout logs a user out from a token.
hSession | is the session's handle. |
When C_Logout successfully executes, any of the application's handles to private objects become invalid (even if a user is later logged back into the token, those handles remain invalid). In addition, all private session objects from sessions belonging to the application are destroyed.
If there are any active cryptographic or object-finding operations in an application's session, and then C_Logout is successfully executed by that application, it may or may not be the case that those operations are still active. Therefore, before logging out, any active operations should be finished.
CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession; CK_CHAR userPIN[] = {"MyPIN"}; CK_RV rv; rv = C_Login(hSession, CKU_USER, userPIN, sizeof(userPIN)); if (rv == CKR_OK) { . . . rv == C_Logout(hSession); if (rv == CKR_OK) { . . . } }