Certificate 1931 - SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module
intCertNum 1931
strVendorName INSIDE Secure
strURL http://www.insidesecure.com
strAddress1 Eerikinkatu 28
strCity Helsinki
strPostalCode 00180
strCountry 00180
strContact Serge Haumont
strEmail shaumont@insidesecure.com
strPhone +358 40 5808548
strContact2 Marko Nippula
strEmail2 mnippula@insidesecure.com
strPhone2 +358 40 762 9394
intCertNum 1931
strModuleName SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module
strPartNumber Software Versions: 1.0.3 and 1.0.3A
str140Version 140-2
_sp_ Security Policy   [pdf][html][txt]
_cert_ Certificate   [pdf]
strModuleType Software
strValidationDate 04/08/2013;05/20/2014
intOverallLevel 1
memIndividualLevelNotes ;;-Operational Environment: Tested as meeting Level 1 with Linux kernel 2.6 running on a Pandaboard; Android 2.3 running on a Pandaboard; Android 4.0 running on a Pandaboard; Android 4.4 running on a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (single-user mode)
strFIPSAlgorithms AES (Certs. #2041 and #2837);
CVL (Certs. #21 and #261);
CVL (SP 800-135rev1, vendor affirmed);
DRBG (Certs. #203 and #493);
DSA (Certs. #648 and #854);
ECDSA (Certs. #299 and #497);
HMAC (Certs. #1240 and #1778);
KBKDF (vendor affirmed);
KTS (vendor affirmed);
PBKDF (vendor affirmed);
RSA (Certs. #1061 and #1479);
SHS (Certs. #1787 and #2378);
Triple-DES (Certs. #1318 and #1697)
strOtherAlgorithms AES (Certs. #2041 and #2837, key wrapping;
key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength);
RSA (key wrapping;
key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 150 bits of encryption strength;
non-compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength)
strConfiguration Multi-chip standalone
memModuleDescription SafeZone FIPS Cryptographic Module is a FIPS 140-2 Security Level 1 validated software cryptographic module from INSIDE Secure. The module is a toolkit which provides the most commonly needed cryptographic primitives for a large variety of applications, including but not limited to, primitives needed for DAR, DRM, TLS, and VPN on mobile devices.
intModuleCount 1
memAdditionalNotes 05/20/14: Added SW 1.0.3A, OE Android 4.4 running on a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, algorithms AES 261 and 2837, DRBG 493, DSA 854, ECDSA 497, HMAC 1778, RSA 1479, SHS 2378, Triple-DES 1697, updated security policy and contact information.
strFirstValidtionDate 04/08/13 00:00:00
strLabName Leidos
strValidationYear 2013