Certificate 1442 - Imation S200/D200
intCertNum 1442
strVendorName Imation Corp.
strURL http://www.imation.com/mobilesecurity
strAddress1 Discovery Bldg. 1A-041
strCity Oakdale
strStateProv MN
strPostalCode 55128
strCountry 55128
strContact Larry Hamid
strEmail crypto-ims@imation.com
strPhone 408-737-4308
intCertNum 1442
strModuleName Imation S200/D200
strPartNumber Hardware Versions: P/Ns D2-S200-S01, D2-S200-S02, D2-S200-S04, D2-S200-S08, D2-S200-S16, D2-D200-S01, D2-D200-S02, D2-D200-S04, D2-D200-S08, D2-D200-S16 and D2-D200-S32;
Firmware Versions: 2.0.10, 2.0.11, 2.0.12 or 2.0.13
memModuleNotes Files distributed with the module mounted within the CD Drive are excluded from the validation.
str140Version 140-2
_sp_ Security Policy   [pdf][html][txt]
_cert_ Certificate   [pdf][txt]
strModuleType Hardware
strValidationDate 11/08/2010;12/06/2010;01/13/2011;06/01/2011;10/26/2011;04/24/2012
intOverallLevel 3
strFIPSAlgorithms AES (Cert. #1034);
RNG (Cert. #587);
RSA (Cert. #494);
SHS (Certs. #986 and #987);
HMAC (Cert. #579)
strOtherAlgorithms RSA (key wrapping;
key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength)
strConfiguration Multi-chip standalone
memModuleDescription The IronKey Secure Flash Drive includes a high-speed hardware-based 256 Bit AES cryptography engine for encrypting and decrypting NAND flash and RAM buffers via USB. It also includes RSA, HMAC, SHA-256, SHA-1, and RNG algorithms.
intModuleCount 1
memAdditionalNotes 12/06/10: Added FW 2.0.11; added Security Policy.
01/13/11: Added FW 2.0.12.
06/01/11: Added FW 2.0.13, updated Security Policy.
10/26/11: Changed module name and vendor name and address; updated Security Policy.
04/24/12: Updated Vendor Website and POC information.
strFirstValidtionDate 11/08/10 00:00:00
strLabName InfoGard
strValidationYear 2010