Certificate 139 - Cylink Frame Encryptor II
intCertNum 139
strVendorName SafeNet, Inc.
strURL http://www.safenet-inc.com
strAddress1 4690 Millennium Drive
strCity Belcamp
strStateProv MD
strPostalCode 21017
strCountry 21017
strContact Glenn Constable
strEmail gconstable@safenet-inc.com
strPhone 919-462-1900 x212
strFax 919-462-1933
intCertNum 139
strModuleName Cylink Frame Encryptor II
strPartNumber Hardware Version: Revision 6;
Firmware Versions: v4.05 and v4.06
memModuleNotes When operated in FIPS mode
str140Version 140-1
_sp_ Security Policy   [pdf][html][txt]
_cert_ Certificate   [pdf]
strModuleType Hardware
strValidationDate 03/14/2001;05/09/2001;07/18/2002;12/04/2003;10/18/2004
intOverallLevel 3
strFIPSAlgorithms Triple-DES (Certs. #5 and #22);
DSA/SHA-1 (Cert. #5)
strOtherAlgorithms Diffie-Hellman (key agreement)
strConfiguration Multi-chip standalone
memModuleDescription Cylink Frame Encryptors secure sensitive data transmitted over high-speed, Frame Relay communication links.
intModuleCount 1
memAdditionalNotes 05/09/01-The current firmware version is v4.05. They have made some minor updates to the firmware and after review, agree to add firmware version v4.06 to the validation entry. Hardware remains unchanged. In addition it was requested that the CM name be changed from ""CFE CFE-L and CFE-H"" to ""CFE II""
07/18/02: Updated vendor contact
12/04/03: Updated vendor info
10/18/04: Updated vendor address
strFirstValidtionDate 03/14/01 00:00:00
strLabName DOMUS
strValidationYear 2001