Certificate 1269 - Bluefly Processor
intCertNum 1269
strVendorName Imation Corp.
strURL http://www.imation.com/mobilesecurity
strAddress1 Discovery Bldg. 1A-041
strCity Oakdale
strStateProv MN
strPostalCode 55128
strCountry 55128
strContact Arun Ramiya
strEmail crypto-ims@imation.com
strPhone 408-879-4313
intCertNum 1269
strModuleName Bluefly Processor
strPartNumber Hardware Versions: 3.0, Part #950 000 003 R [1] and 4.0, Part #950 000 004 R [2];
Firmware Versions: 2.0 [1], 2.1 [1,2], 2.2 [1,2], 2.3 [1,2], 2.4 [1,2], 2.5 [1,2] or 1.15 [1,2]
memModuleNotes When operated in FIPS mode
str140Version 140-2
_sp_ Security Policy   [pdf][html][txt]
_cert_ Certificate   [pdf][txt]
strPURL http://www.mxisecurity.com/en/products
strModuleType Hardware
strValidationDate 03/30/2010;05/05/2010;09/07/2010;01/20/2011;03/15/2011;05/31/2011;07/05/2011;04/24/2012;03/28/2013;03/19/2015
intOverallLevel 3
strFIPSAlgorithms AES (Certs. #1119, #1292, #1333, #1334, #1452, #1574 and #1661);
Triple-DES (Certs. #908, #932, #983, #1031 and #1081);
DSA (Certs. #417, #438, #462, #485 and #519);
SHS (Certs. #1186, #1220, #1315, #1394 and #1456);
RSA (Certs. #618, #646, #710, #767 and #818);
HMAC (Certs. #752, #782, #852, #921 and #976);
KAS (Certs. #6, #7, #9, #11 and #12);
RNG (Certs. #720, #735, #795, #848 and #884)
strOtherAlgorithms MD5;
strConfiguration Single-chip
memModuleDescription The Bluefly processor is a cryptographic and authentication engine for Personal Portable Security Devices (PPSDs). It provides secure storage, digital identity functions, and multifactor user authentication for USB-based peripherals.
intModuleCount 1
memAdditionalNotes 05/05/10: Added Hardware v 4.0, Part #950 000 003 R [2] and Firmware v2.1 [2]; updated algorithm certificates and updated Security Policy.
09/07/10: Updated Firmware v2.1 [1,2] reference, added Firmware v2.2 [1,2]; updated algorithm certificates and updated Security Policy.
01/20/11: Updated Product Link.
03/15/11: Added FW v 2.3, AES #1574, TDES #1031, DSA #485, SHS #1394, RSA #767, HMAC #921, KAS #11, RNG #848 and updated Security Policy.
05/31/11: Changed Vendor Name and Address.
07/05/11: Added FW 2.4, AES #1661, Triple-DES #1081, DSA #519, SHS #1456, RSA #818, HMAC #976, KAS #12, RNG #884 and updated Security Policy.
04/24/12: Updated Vendor Website and POC information.
03/28/13: Added FW 1.15 and updated Security Policy.
03/19/15: Added FW 2.5, changed the POC and updated Security Policy.
strFirstValidtionDate 03/30/10 00:00:00
strLabName EWA
strValidationYear 2010