Certificate 1079 - Secuware Security Framework - Crypt4000 Module
intCertNum 1079
strVendorName Secuware
strURL http://www.secuware.com
strAddress1 Torre Picasso
strAddress2 Plaza Pablo Ruiz Picasso, s/n.
strCity Madrid
strPostalCode 28020
strCountry 28020
strContact Jorge López Hernández-Ardieta
strEmail jlopez@secuware.com
strPhone +34 915-649-149
strFax +34 915-629-697
strPhone2 +34 608-271-936
intCertNum 1079
strModuleName Secuware Security Framework - Crypt4000 Module
strPartNumber Software Version: 4.0
memModuleNotes When obtained, built, installed, protected and initialized as assumed by the Crypto Officer role and specified in Section 8.2 of the provided Security Policy. Section 8.2 of the provided Security Policy specifies the complete set of source files of this module. There shall be no additions, deletions or alterations of this set as used during module build. All source files shall be obtained via secure FTP. Any deviation from the specified verification, protection, installation and initialization procedures will result in a FIPS 140-2 non-compliant module.
str140Version 140-2
_sp_ Security Policy   [pdf][html][txt]
_cert_ Certificate   [pdf][txt]
strModuleType Software
strValidationDate 12/24/2008;01/26/2009
intOverallLevel 1
memIndividualLevelNotes -Operational Environment: Tested as meeting Level 1 with Microsoft Windows XP SP2 (single user mode)
strFIPSAlgorithms AES (Cert. #792);
SHS (Cert. #905);
HMAC (Cert. #513)
strOtherAlgorithms N/A
strConfiguration Multi-chip standalone
memModuleDescription The SCM is a function library implementing crypto services which is delivered to the final user as a SW cryptographic object module, running on Windows operating system in a General Purpose Computer. The logical cryptographic boundary for the SCM is the discrete block of object code containing the machine instructions and data generated from the SCM FIPS source, which will be allocated continuously in a main memory address space, as used by the calling application.
intModuleCount 1
memAdditionalNotes 01/26/09: Corrected Contact1
05/22/12: Modified certificate caveat
strFirstValidtionDate 12/24/08 00:00:00
strLabName atsec
strValidationYear 2008